01 November 2012

Halloween contest!! First photos! :D

Sincere greetings to all of U,

Without any hesitation we can say that our uinvestors are very active, energetic and sharp-minded people.
….Anything else? Oh, yeah!... These characteristic will be incomplete without mentioning uinvestors’ sense of humor. Indeed, after 5 hours since Halloween contest started, we got the first email from Peter Lachmann with the suggestion to laugh or scary with his contest picture aka hollywood movie star.

Then…Special thanks to Nadia Dos Santos who proved that predators lived in France and not in the jungles of South America as Hollywood movie depicted. Another cinema myth was busted by Nadia. Hey guys, have a look at those “costume tremendous legs”, impressive huh?) Muchas gracias por su foto, Nadia!!

I could say that a movie was prolonged by Adam and in the costume of the famous “Pogo the Clown”. Sorry, Adam, for naming your costume, your rights have been reserved, so you can rename it any time.

Also we got another picture from a person without any signature. If this is a costume, it is fantastic, but I highly doubt that is.)))

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