13 November 2012

Friday Newsletter

Unique SMS Feature
A new fantastic security feature has been tested and successfully released for optional use by our clients. Every time you log in to the system, a unique sms code will be generated and sent to your phone. No doubt, SMS feature is a mega option as it makes your account extra secure and inaccessible for any hacker. For more information, please follow the link.

Reserve Power
We are proud to inform you that power reserve has become more transparent and beneficial for all of us. The greatest advantage of this well-known option is that it has become automated and absolutely transparent! You yourself can now see the number of shares you reserved. Fantastic, isn’t it? It is proved to be a wonderful motivator for our clients’ investment activity.

“Back To Life!” Charity Project
It’s an honor for us to announce that UInvest is starting a new charity initiative together with LIKARINFUND to help treat children with neurological diseases and motion problems (mainly – child cerebral paralysis (CP)). UInvestors will now have an opportunity to join the charity project and donate funds that might save somebody’s life. For more information, please usethe link below.

Article Review
On Tuesday, the State Statistics Service reported that the consumer prices for the month of October remained on the same level comparing to the previous months on average. Inflation remained zero in annual terms for the third month in a row. For more info, please follow the link.

Next letter will be issued on Friday 16th of November. Stay tuned!

UInvest Support Team

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