14 Januari 2013

Friday Newsletter

Search Box is launched!
We are pleased to inform you about one interesting innovation of our site. It is a “Search Box”! This option will significantly facilitate your navigation through our site. Now you can find any news by entering any original word. For example, by typing a word "contest", you can see all the news that contain this word. Simplicity is our core characteristic. For more info please follow the link.

A complaint button stands for constructive criticism.
Your opinion is the main criterion in the assessment of our work results. We always try to obtain your opinion about our work, make a reasonable conclusion, and provide necessary implementations. One of our favorite expressions is “Deeds, not words”. Respectively, we want to announce that we are going to start up a Complaint button. Please, feel free to express your opinion and constructive criticism, but pay your attention to the following - a Complaint button works for sharing opinion about our service only. For more info please follow the link.

GUN Academy Courses are about to start!
What is the best investment in the world? Of course, it is knowledge. We are glad to announce that GUN Academy courses start on 2/4/2013. If you want to become a successful and wealthy investor, you should definitely attend these necessary trainings. Needless to say, that you receive knowledge now and you will use it during all your life. Please subscribe to your course here.

Article of the week: Jobs act delayed again
For the wannabes that don’t have hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars to throw around, the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS) was an opportunity for small time angel investors to get into the game and for small businesses to raise money through crowdfunding. But eight months after President Obama signed the bill, The New York Times reports that the Security Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) has fallen behind and isn’t on track to meet the end-of-the-year deadline, meaning that it may not be until 2014 before the JOBS Act takes effect. Please read the full article here.

Next letter will be issued on Friday 18th of January. Stay tuned!
UInvest Support Team

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