06 Oktober 2012

Friday Newsletter

Friday newsletter – a few events worth uinvestors' attention

Palm Oil Project Verification
You know that UInvest always cares about your confidence in the investment in any project, that is why This week one of UInvest team members is travelling to Indonesia in order to verify the details of the Palm Oil Project. We will report about the results of this trip upon our return but so far everything is going great! Meanwhile you can browse new pictures we received from a recently verified project from Uganda here

New Project posted
UInvest is happy to announce a new project: A Brewing Plant in Ukraine (Kyiv Region).
The Brewing Plan has been in business for 11 years. Although it was sold out quite quickly you still have a chance to buy its shares via the UInvest Share Exchange. You will find more information about this project in your "Asset Management" section once you log into your account.

Financial Partners Contest - your chance to Win $10,000!
UInvest respects business of Financial Partners, therefore we want to award the most active of them. During the period of Oct 1st 2012 - Feb 1st 2013 we will be able to watch them in action in real time mode HERE! We will award the most active financial partner of a month with $2,500, every month starting from November. Go, go FP!

Article of the Month: Jobs Act - The Future of American Crowdfunding
With the new JOBS act signed into law this April, many companies in the US have been preparing for big changes in the ways startups and private businesses are financed. We believe that a long due detailed overview of the JOBS act will help uinvestors gain a perspective on how UInvest crowd funding model fits into American market and what advantages UInvest has over other US companies by being in business of crowd funding on the international level for nearly five years. Click here to read more...


Next letter will be issued on Friday 12th of October. Stay tuned!

UInvest Support Team

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